一位美国国会议员的公开信 |
【明慧网2000年4月12日】 致所有相关人士: 我愿意在此传达我对中国政府镇压法轮功修炼者行动的关注。1999年7月,法轮功被中国政府取缔,法轮功的追随者们一直遭受迫害,从那时起,许多追随者因为拒绝停止修炼法轮功而被监禁和拷打。 法轮功是包括静修和道德准则的一种锻炼方法,引导修炼者拥有更好的身体安康和精神宁静以及对生活目的有一个更好的理解,法轮功教导人们“真、善、忍”的美德。 作为美国人民,我相信我们应当认同法轮功修炼者言论和信仰自由的权利。我们的历史表明这些基本的自由组成一个民族最伟大的力量。中国政府应当认同作为负责任的政府必需具备的这种准则,停止迫害法轮功修炼者。 Charles A. Gonzalez, Member of Congress To Whom It May Concern: I would like to convey my concern over the Chinese government's actions against the practitioners of Falun Gong. In July 1999, Falun Gong was outlawed and followers of the teachings have been persecuted. Since that time, many followers have been jailed and tortured for refusing to discontinue the practice of Falun Gong. Falun Gong is an exercise regimen that includes meditation and moral teachings to guide practitioners to better physical well-being, emotional tranquility and a better understanding of the purpose of life. Its teachings espouse the virtues of compassion, forbearance, and truthfulness. As Americans, I believe we should recognize Falun Gong's followers' rights of freedom of speech and religion. Our history supports that such basic freedoms constitute the greatest strength of a nation. China should recognize this essential tenet of responsible government and desist from persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Sincerely, |
成文:2000年04月06日 发稿:2000年04月12日 更新:2003年09月21日 03:53:21 |
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