OMCT国际秘书处紧急呼吁:停止迫害法轮功学员 |
【明慧网2000年2月25日】 世界反酷刑组织(OMCT)国际秘书处请您就中国的下列形式采取紧急干预。 新信息 世界反酷刑组织(OMCT)国际秘书处经各种信息来源获悉中国对法轮功成员采取了进一步的迫害。 根据收到的信息,自从该宗教运动于1999年被取缔以来有成千学员被捕拘留。许多被指控为“危害国家安全和泄露国家机密”并被判刑。 世界反酷刑组织的国际秘书处还收到一些报告说整个中国关在劳改营、精神病医院、和拘留中心的那些人受到了虐待并被告发有拷打。有些例案中,绝食的被拘留者被强行饲喂令人窒息的高浓度盐水。更进一部的证据包括学员在精神病院被没必要地注射了有负作用的药物。 形势的简单提要 世界反酷刑组织的国际秘书处被告知各界在关注对法轮功宗教运动成员和追随者的大规模逮捕拘留和随之而来的虐待。 据信息,1999年7月22日中国官方以法轮功是个欺骗群众、威胁社会动乱的非法组织为借口而取缔了法轮功。还有,中国官方下令将那些敢于公开炼功和组织活动及传播书籍的人们关进监狱,将参加活动的党员开除党籍。 该取缔发生在成千法轮功学员在近30个城市的政府外面抗议逮捕骨干学员之后。在随后的日子里,大规模的警方干涉发生了,成千的法轮功成员被捕了。报告说,他们只有在写了自责书并保证放弃(法轮功)后才能被放出来。被捕的轮功成员已超过5,000。 人权组织报告说,成百的炼习者在拘留所里数小时得不到食品和水。 要点 获悉了各种逮捕的事态及对中国人权状态的披露报告后,本国际秘书处有必要表明该组织正关注那些被捕者的身体和心理的健全。 请求采取的行动 请给中国各种官方去函来呼吁他们: 地址 中华人民共和国北京市 100032 中华人民共和国北京市 100726 中华人民共和国内蒙古自治区 010051 中华人民共和国在贵国的外交代表 日内瓦,2000年2月22日 请在回函中善意地告诉我们您应本请求所采取的任何行动。 世界反酷刑组织 (OMCT) Follow-up to case CHN 270799 The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in China. New Information The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by various sources of the further persecution of Falun Gong members in China. According to the information received, since the ban of the religious movement in July 1999, thousands of followers have been arrested and detained. Many have been charged and even sentenced with "endangering state security and leaking state secrets." The International Secretariat of OMCT has also received numerous reports of ill-treatment and alleged torture of these detainees who have been placed in labour camps, mental hospitals and detention centres accross China. Reports of torture and severe beatings are numerous. In some cases, detainees on hunger strike have been force fed with highly concentrated salt water which has a suffocating effect. Further testimonies include followers being injected with unnecessary medecines with damaging side effects in mental hospitals. Brief reminder of the situation The International Secretariat of OMCT was informed of the concerns over the teatment of detainees following the massive arrest and detention of members and followers of the Falun Gong religious movement. According to the information, on 22 July 1999, the Chinese authorities banned the Falun Gong with the arguments that it was an illegal organisation that cheated people and threatened social chaos. Moreover, the Chinese authorities ordered that people attempting to practice in public or disseminate the movement books would be jailed and communist followers of this movement would be expelled of the Communist Party. The ban came a day after thousands of members tried to besiege government offices in approximately 30 cities in protest against the arrest of key leaders. During the following days, massive police interventions took place and several thousands of Falun Gong members have been arrested. According to the reports, they would be released once they write a self-criticism and promise to quit. The number of the arrested practitioners has already reached more than 5000. Human rights groups reported that hundreds of practitioners had been held in detention for hours without food or water. Remarks Given the circumstances of the arrests and the prevailing human rights situation in China the International Secretariat must express its concerns for the physical and psychological integrity of those arrested. Action requested Please write to the authorities in China urging them to: i. take all necessary measures to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of all persons held in detention, and order their immediate release; Addresses Premier of the People"s Republic of China, Guowuyuan 9, Xihuangchenggenbeijie, 22478 MFERT CN . Fax : + 86 10 512 5810 (via Ministry of Foreign Affairs). President of the Supreme People"s Court of the People"s Republic of China, Li Loalin Tinzhang, Director of the Department of Public Security, Gong"anting, Diplomatic Representatives of the People"s Republic of China in your respective countries. Geneva, February 22, 2000 Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code of this appeal in your reply. Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture (OMCT) |
成文:2000年02月25日 发稿:2000年02月25日 更新:2003年09月21日 03:53:13 |
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