大赦国际都柏林中央小组援救赵明的两封签名信 |
【明慧网2000年11月3日】 (Notes: These two letters are drafted by Amnesty International Ireland, Dublin Central Group. Whoever wants to help Zhao Ming can sign the letters and send them to Chinese Prime Minster Zhu Rongji and Chinese Ambassador in Ireland.) (注:下面两封信为爱尔兰国际特赦组织,都柏林中央小组的草案。任何想要帮助赵明的人都可以在本信件上签名,并发给中国总理朱镕基及中国驻爱尔兰大使馆。) 地址: Your Excellency, I enclose a copy of a letter that I have written to the Prime Minister of China. As you see it concerns the very serious reports of imprisonment and torture of practitioners of Falun Gong . I am particularly concerned in this instance about Zhao Ming, a computer science post-graduate student who was studying at Trinity College before his arrest on a return visit to China. Yours sincerely, A matter of very serious concern has come to my attention and this is why I write to you now. I have heard that Zhao Ming, a 30-year-old post graduate student of computer science at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, was arrested during a return visit to China and sent to the main labour camp in Daxing County, Beijing. I am told this happened because he is a practitioner of Falun Dafa, also called Falun Gong. I have also heard reports that Zhao Ming is being tortured in this labour camp to make him renounce Falun dong. Reports of arrests of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China are also of great concern. 我听说赵明,一个在爱尔兰,都柏林的Trinity学院就读的计算机科学专业在读研究生,30岁,在回国时被捕,并被送到北京大兴县劳教所。我被告知,这一切发生的原因是因为他是一名法轮大法(也叫法轮功)的修炼者。我还听说赵明正在劳教所中被施以酷刑以迫使他放弃法轮功。关于在中国逮捕了数千名法轮功修炼者也引起了我们的严重关注。 It seems that these people are being detained solely because of their expression of their peacefully beliefs. Many detainees have reportedly been tortured and in some cases deaths are said to have occurred because of torture and ill-treatment by police. China signed up to the UN Convention Against Torture in 1988 and is therefore obliged to investigate all allegations of torture and bring those responsible to justice. I strongly urge you Mr. Prime Minister, to ensure that independent investigations are carried into these allegations of torture of Zhao Ming and other Falun Gong practitioners. I also urge to ensure that no-none is persecuted by state authorities for the expression of their peacefully held beliefs. Yours sincerely, |
成文:2000年11月03日 发稿:2000年11月03日 更新:2003年09月21日 03:52:51 |
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