一位美国国会议员的公开信 |
【明慧网2000年1月3日】 致所有相关人士: 这封信是为了表达我对精神运动法轮功的修炼者继续遭到镇压的关切。法轮功亦称法轮大法,是基于传统中国文化的一种非政治、非暴力的气功修炼形式,通过修炼这种功法和遵循“真、善、忍”的准则,世界上无数的法轮功修炼者已经获得了巨大的健康福利和道德回升。 1999年七月,法轮功修炼在中国被政府取缔。因为不放弃他们的修炼,数以千计的法轮功修炼者遭到监禁和拷打。在法轮功被取缔之后,中国政府又采取了类似的行动限制其它种类的传统灵修活动。我对中国政府这种明显违反国际法和公约以及中国本国宪法的行为深表关切。 我鼓励美国人民自己去探索法轮功的真相,在许多谣言和宣传传播之下,中国法轮功修炼者的人权继续受到侵犯,我相信我们应该对在美国和海外的法轮功修炼者表达我们的支持。 美国国会议员 西罗. 罗德里哥斯 1999年12月27日 Congress of the United States Ciro D. Rodriguez, Member of Congress December 27, 1999 I write to express my concern over the continuing crackdown against practitioners of the spiritual exercises Falun Gong. Also know as Falun Dafa, it represents an apolitical and non-violent form of meditation exercise based upon traditional Chinese culture. By engaging in these exercises and following principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance, the millions of practitioners around the world have gained tremendous health benefits and spiritual upliftment. In July 1999, the practice of Falun Gong in China was outlawed by the government. Thousand of practitioners have been jailed and tortured for not giving up their participation. This action followed similar action by the government to restrict other traditional spiritual practices. I am concerned by this apparent violation of international accords and laws, including China’s own constitution. I encourage Americans to discover for themselves the truth about Falun Gong. While many rumors and propaganda have been spread, I believe we should express our support for practitioners here and abroad as human rights violations continue against Falun Gong followers in China. Sincerely, Ciro D. Rodriguez |
成文:1999年12月27日 发稿:2000年01月03日 更新:2004年07月07日 16:14:41 |
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