美国众议院昨天通过的有关法轮功的决议案(中英文) | |
【明慧网】 Expressing the sense of the Congress that the Government of the People"s Republic of China should stop its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Whereas Falun Gong is a peaceful and nonviolent form of religious belief and practice with millions of adherents in China andelsewhere; Whereas the Government of the People"s Republic of China has forbidden Falun Gong practitioners to practice their faith; Whereas this prohibition violates China"s own Constitution as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsand the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Whereas there are many credible reports of torture and other cruel degrading and inhuman treatment of detained Falun Gongpractitioners, including a report that a 42-year-old woman, Zhao Jinhua, was tortured to death by Chinese government officials; Whereas the People"s Republic of China has enacted new criminal legislation that the government"s official newspaper hailed asa "powerful new weapon to smash evil cultist organizations, especially Falun Gong"; Whereas some of the detained Falun Gong members have been charged with political offenses, such as violations of China"s vague "official state secrets" law, and under the new legislation Falun Gong practitioners will be chargeable with such offensesas murder, fraud, and endangering national security; Whereas other Falun Gong members have been sentenced to labor camps, apparently under administrative proceduresallowing such sentences without trail; Whereas Chinese authorities in recent months have reportedly confiscated, burned, or otherwise destroyed millions of FalunGong books and tapes; Whereas thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China have lost their jobs and students have been expelled from schools forrefusing to give up their beliefs; Whereas the brutal crackdown by the Chinese government on Falun Gong is in direct violation of the fundamental human rightsto freedom of religious belief and practice, expression, and assembly: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Representatives(the Senates Concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that -- (1) the Government of the People"s Republic of China should stop persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and other religiousbelievers; (2) the Government of the United States should use every appropriate public and private forum, including but not limited to theUnited Nations Human Rights Commission, to urge the Government of the People"s Republic of China -- (a) to release from detention all Falun Gong practitioners and put an immediate end to the practices of torture and other cruel,inhuman and degrading treatment against them and other prisoners of conscience; (b) to allow Falun Gong practitioners to pursue their religious beliefs in accordance with Article 36 of the Constitution of the People"s Republic of China; and (c) to abide by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (1999年11月4日稿) 发表国会意见:中华人民共和国政府应该停止对法轮功的修炼者的迫害。 兹鉴于法轮功是和平的非暴力的宗教信仰与修炼形式,在中国有其它地方有数百万的信仰者; 兹鉴于中华人民共和国政府已经禁止法轮功修炼者修炼他们的信仰; 兹鉴于这一禁令违反了中国自己的宪法,同时也违反了《国际民权及政治权利盟约》和《世界人权宣》; 兹鉴于有许多被拘留的法轮功修炼者被严刑拷打和其它残酷卑劣及非人虐待的可靠报道,其中包括42岁的赵金华被中国政府折磨致死; 兹鉴于中华人民共和国已制定新的刑事立法,中国官方报纸并将其称为“彻底打击邪教组织,尤其是法轮功的新的有力武器”; 兹鉴于一些被拘留的法轮功成员被指控为政治犯罪,例如违反中国的不明确的“国家政府机密”法,并且按照新立法,法轮功修炼者将可能被指控谋杀、欺骗及危害国家安全这样的罪名; 兹鉴于其他的法轮功成员被判刑劳教,明显地不按照宪法进行审判就允许如此的判刑的行政管理程序; 兹鉴于据报道中国官方近几个月来已经没收,烧毁或其它方法毁掉了数百万的法轮功书籍及音像带; 兹鉴于数千计的中国的法轮功修炼者由于不放弃自己的信仰而失去工作,学生被开除学籍; 兹鉴于中国政府对法轮功残忍的打压是直接违反了宗教信仰及实践、表达意愿及集会自由的基本人权; 在此由众议院决议如下(参议院同意),也是国会意见:(1)中华人民共和国政府应该停止迫害法轮功修炼及其他宗教信仰者;(2)美国政府应该使用所有公共和私有的论坛,包括(但不局限于)在联合国人权委员会,敦促中华人民共和国政府: (a)释放被拘禁的所有法功修炼者,立即停止对他们及其它信仰者的严刑拷打及其它残酷的非人道的卑劣的迫害;(b)允许法轮功修炼者按照中华人民共和国宪法第36款追求他们的宗教信仰;(c)遵守《国际民权和政治权利盟约》及《国际人权宣言》。 |
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成文时间:1999年11月4日 发稿时间:1999年11月4日 文章分类:【各界声援】 |